Good practices in Education Models in European Youth – Erasmus+ Project
9th – 19th of March 2016, FinchcocksOast, Riseden, Kent, TN17 1HG, United Kingdom
The project ” Good Practices in Education Models in European Youth” is a multilateral EU youth training project that takes place in UK, 2016, organized by Romanca Society and funded by Erasmus+ EU Programme. The project involves 35 participants coming from Euroteam Check Republic , Euroteam Portugal , Euroteam Latvia, Iuventa Serbia, Romanca Society – United Kingdom, Amicii de Villagio – Italy and Euroteam Turkey.
The main theme of the project is to learn the educational systems in European countries.
Our goal is to share educational experiences and cultural differences either in formal or informal fields between young people coming from different EU Countries.

Television Reportage
Television Reportage
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