The main aim of our study visit is designed by the organisational goals of project partners and the learning needs of the participants and it is to share and exchange good practices how youth workers can reach non – organised youth and motivate and involve them to be important and responsible part of the society. How can they recognise their rights and responsibilities as citizens locally and European level? How can they act as European citizens for the sake of their local community? How youth councils, local government and youth NGOs can make a successful cooperation in order to empower non – organised youth to be active, participate and be creative, find and use their opportunities as personal and professional level. Presenting good practices and exchange and invent methods and tools for involvement of non – organised youth as focusing on European Youth Capital, Cluj Napoca in 2015 by SHARE good practice project that involved successfully youth councils – local government – youth NGOs in order to make Cluj Napoca the Capital of Youth.
Methodology: The main element of the study visit is to visit to different youth councils and active youth NGOs and can get familiar with their motivation and involvement strategies how they reach non – organised youth. Exploring good practices from the local community and exchange and invent methods and tools for involvement of non – organised youth, with focus on Cluj Napoca European Youth Capital 2015 good practice project that involved youth councils – local government – NGOs. The study visit is based on non – formal education and absolutely learned – centred. It will be facilitated by experienced local trainer with the support of an international trainer. Methodology will provide opportunity for participants to share their experiences, challenges and realities then to invent new strategies and projects together. Some example for methods we will use: pair work, team work, brainstorming, active listening, feedback, feedforward, strategy planning, etc.