We are glad to welcome you to the Training course ‘FOREVER YOUNG’ and we are looking forward to meet you in Daugavpils very soon. Please, read all the provided information carefully and don’t hesitate to contact us with anything related to your participation in the project. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission Erasmus+ programme. This content reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
About the project
“Forever Young” is a seminar combining the topics of dialogue of generations and life long learning among the youth workers to be organized in Latvia in winter 2019¨ bringing together 32 participants. The seminar will be done in a form of an exchange of experiences between more mature youth workers and the relative beginners in the field, using discussions, story telling, case studies, workshops, method exchanges, idea brainstorms and other non-formal education methods. The project background explanation is: we have noticed that those who are “visible” and participate actively in youth workers’ mobilities¨ travelling around the world, are just a specific part of youth workers – still young people themselves or maximum of the age of a bit over 30, students, activists, freelancers, speaking English fluently, often the same faces, staying tuned and in the topic. Another part – the elder and mature ones ¨stay as grey cardinals¨ locked in four walls of their working places, struggling with routines and adult life obligations, families, not coming out of their comfort zones, not feeling the need to improve the language skills, not
motivated to use non-formal education methods or modernize their approaches… But they do exist and they have long careers and experiences their youth elixir and work secrets worth to share and to learn from them, they are also ready to do this, if the comfortable conditions would be provided and their needs and specifics would be taken into consideration. Therefore, the project aims to create a favorable atmosphere for bringing together young, as well as more mature youth workers for inspiring and learning among the generations for a more balanced, experienced, professional and modern work.