IBB: Intercultural Bridge Builders – Chisinau, Moldova, 3 – 10 November 2017

IBB: Intercultural Bridge Builders is a long-term training course, which started in January 2017 and will end in February 2018. It has three phases.

Phase I: Training course in Sfantu Gheorghe, Romania, 20-28 May 2017

Phase II: Practice period June 2017 – September 2017 with the activities will be made by participants on fighting against radicalisation of young people and celebrate cultural diversity and support each others in an E-learning process.

Phase III: Evaluation seminar in Chisinau, Moldova, 3-10 November 2017 S.M.A.R.T. objectives of the evaluation seminar are:
✓ To inform others what it is like to be a multiplier. To define the knowledge, skills and attitudes of a multiplier of cultural diversity.
✓ To raise awareness on prejudices, stereotypes, xenophobia, racism as special aspects of cultural diversity and to share experiences in order to fight against radicalization of young people through 30 local and European youth projects and campaign activities.
✓ To learn more about the 20 local youth events as part of cultural diversity campaign, what type of problems occurred and how these were solved, what were their impact on young people and local communities.
✓ To share good examples from practice and help to each other in order to find good solutions on challenges. To discuss about 30 local and international youth projects that they have already done, sharing experiences and learning new techniques and methods from each other.
✓ To help to maintain the long-term process with ongoing projects.

More information about the project you can find here.