Even after fully active first two weeks of the month we continued with work. As November 16th is the International Day for Tolerance, NGO Iuventa was guest in tribune in municipality of Vrnjacka Banja about Discrimination in Serbia that was organized by Red Cross Vrnjacka Banja. Youngsters from Vrnjacka Banja had the chance to play games made for IRD, first on the tribune then in their High School. Ivana Radivojevic from Red Cross opened the tribune saying that discrimination is a big problem in Serbia nowadays. Professor of psychology, Svetlana Magdelinic, was saying how discrimination affects people. Dijana Puskar as a guest introduced students from Vrnjacka Banja with the program of NGO Iuventa and how the organization is trying to break prejudices. Sandra Bogdanovic as a journalist tried to help youngsters to open their mind for differences telling the stories from her experience.