After diligent planning and thorough preparation by the consortium the project coordinator komm!unity was able to host a 3-day Joint Staff Training in Wörgl from 26th until 28th January 2022. 10 youth workers from Greece, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Serbia as well as Austria were on site to work together on the further development of the project “Storytelling for Youth Work”, to learn from each other and to exchange good practices and expertise in the context of international youth work.
The main aim of the training was to test and finalize the Storytelling board game and continue the work on the dissemination course. The training was a mixture of theoretical and experiential sessions, focused on key topics related to the project outputs. We also talked about the dissemination strategy and how we are going to promote the project outcomes, to reach as many youth workers as possible.
During the training, there was also a chance to visit the local internet radio station “Radio Wörgl+”. The participants didn´t hesitate for a second, when they were given the opportunity to record an interview at the professional studio. The result will be integrated in the dissemination strategy and published soon on social media.
As appropriate to Erasmus+ projects in the field of youth, a diverse after work programme could not be missed out. The group of youth workers proved to be active in sports and as Tyrol is well known as a winter sports destination, we went tobogganing at night and held a curling competition at the end of the training.
With this experience behind their back, the partners will be better equipped to promote and demonstrate the project and especially the Storytelling boardgame in their own communities, at official and informal multiplier events as well as other connections with stakeholders.

Project is co-founded by Erasmus + Programme of the European Union. Project number: 2020-2-AT02-KA205-002741