” CREATIVITY – THIS IS OUR CHOICE’’ – 19-26 October 2018, Limassol, Cyprus

About the project:
Scientific researches show that creativity is a crucial dimension of learning. In fact, creative
thinking is vital, mainly in terms of acquiring knowledge. In a world in constant transformation,
youth need to be equipped with several skills to affront any situation and adapt to the world
today, develop a satisfactory life and contribute usefully to society.
There are different practices of great effectiveness focused on the creative development. In
essence, the young person must be provided with an environment in which he can develop his
creative potential, where originality is valued, and where mistakes are understood not as a
failure, but as inevitable steps towards learning, always protecting his motivation with a
constructive and positive feedback.
For this reason, the organization “BLUE CHARRY” is promoting a project to BOOST the
CREATIVITY of our youth workers, where there will be a training course as main activity and
that will take place in Limassol, Cyprus.

The overall objective of our project is to increase the capacities of the youth workers to reveal
the creative features of the young who will lead the future.
Our specific objectives are:
– Raising awareness among participants about the importance of creativity in the youth work.
– Teaching participants about different ways of increasing creative thinking's skills.
– Teaching youth workers key activities to develop youth skills, creativity based, and express
and produce new ideas.
– Analyzing common factors and attitudes that difficult the development of creativity in young
– Disseminating good practices about creativity and its application in all aspects of daily life of
youth work.
– Teaching to youth workers behavioral models that trigger creativity.
– Gather and discuss local experiences and new ideas for learning and developing creativity
among young people.
– Preparing new project designs to encourage and disseminate creativity among youth inside
KA1 Erasmus +.