You (th) inspiring others

14-18 October 2018, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia
About the Seminar: for strengthening capacities of key youth actors
You(th) inspiring others, is a project that aims to involve youngsters with fewer opportunities
from RYCO Contracting Parties – Kosovo*, Montenegro and Serbia in a set of activities that
can assist them for the possibilities and cooperation without fear of prejudice and

A four day seminar under the non-formal methodology, in the frame of addressing the spirit
of cooperation between youngsters in the region will be organized by NGO IUVENTA, which
has decided to take the seminar's chronology as it has all the expertise and requires the
activity to be an opportunity for the young people.
Main aim of the seminar is to involve 18 youth workers that were part of TC – Training
Course and P2P – Peer-to-Peer from three RYCO Contracting Parties – Kosovo,
Montenegro and Serbia (9F+9M), minimum 6 of them will be youth worker form minority
groups, age 20-30 year old. They will be involved because of their participation on previous
activities through which they will be able develop their skills and knowledge in another level,
to lead the sessions under the frame of youth cooperation, minority rights and intercultural
3 social workers (1 social worker from Public Administration of each RYCO Contracting
Parties – Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia) will bring the perspective of decision makers, the
challenges and their capacities. On the other side, they will get the opportunity to increase
their knowledge and to get some tools that address the issue of cooperation.
This project is supported by Regional Youth Cooperation Office – RYCO and implemented
by Blink, NGO Iuventa, Center for Citizens Empowerment and PlusUne.

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