The participating countries: BiH, Turkey, Italy, Republic of Macedonia, Czech Republic, Albania, Portugal and Serbia.
Before the exchange, APV was organized in Vrnjacka Banja, from April 13th to April 15th. That was the opportunity for all the leaders to come together in one place so they would get to know the place of the exchange so they would see if it fulfils all the needed conditions and to inform all the participants in their countries about it. During the AVP leaders worked out all the segments of the exchange, they made a classification of the responsibilities and the final agenda and the work schedule.
The leaders agreed about some roles too for participants if we have in mind that this is very young group and that many of them are for the first time away from home.
On this occasion we split tasks between leaders.
Aims of APV:
– Preparing detailed program of the exchange
– Getting to know the venue, surrounding and the Vrnjacka Banja
– Sharing list of the participants, including needs and expectations for the exchange: special food to be prepared, medicines, allergies, etc
– Meeting of the leaders: discussion on how to work together, role of the leaders, team building
These projects will deal specifically with the promotion of diversity in Europe and raise sense of tolerance and understanding other cultures.
The problem of prejudices and conflicts are nowadays more and more real since there are many people that still are opposed of the idea of multiculturalism. These problems are growing more and more between the neighboring countries, especially between some specific countries. A lot are the reasons for this situation like recent wars, history and many other things which are connected to cultural differences.
During this YE we will use Indoor and Outdoor activities. During indoor activities youth will share experiences and feelings about various topics relevant to them.
1) Educational workshops on the topic
-mutual cultural, ethnic, religious diversity
-Creating a framework for sharing common values
-Cultural identity and respect for difference
-Stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination
– Majority/minority cultural group
2) Video films on the topic of discrimination (linguistic, ethnic, racial, cultural,…)
The outdoor activities of this group of young people will be work with the local young people.
3) Activity povodom The Word Day of Cultural Diversity:
– performance on city streets to inform educate and raise awareness among the general public in order to increase tolerance towards anything differently:encouraging creative action, motivating people in the community to accept diversity
– photo exhibition “Show Differences”
– game “Find the word”
Shall apply an interactive approach of providing learning through experience and active exchange of knowledge between participants.
Aims of the project:
– Indicate the importance of cultural diversity and to promote intercultural dialogue among participants with different cultural backgrounds and different traditions
– to encourage dialogue among cultures with a view to ensuring wider and balanced cultural exchanges in the world in favor of intercultural respect and a culture of peace;
– to promote respect for the diversity of cultural expressions and raise awareness of its value at the local, national and international levels;
– to be aware of importance of cultural diversity and raise sense of tolerance and understanding other cultures;
– To promote mutual cultural, ethnic, linguistic and religious diversity;
– creating a framework for sharing common values;
– Cultural identity and respect for difference
– Prejudice, stereotype and discrimination
– Cultural Majority/minority
– Informing young people of the problem
– Active participation in disseminating information
– Basic knowledge of the performance and techniques of the forum-theatre
The program of the exchange by its intercultural working methods gave opportunities to all participants to show features of their societies toward the topic. Project involved people from different countries with various backgrounds quite different socialites from all points of view: cultural, political, social, environmental. The dialogue between the participants was on the highest level on the workshops and during informal meetings. Stereotypes and prejudices are the main enemies in cooperation and dialogue. But activities were the key for their openness and positive perception of each other. Participants were convinced of the necessity of the link between local context and European environment and work. The project promoted Europe of common and unique values. The dialog which covered all fields of living in different societies and the positive atmosphere are the best ways to build the strong bridge between the participants working together on the topic. Exchange gave the equal opportunities to all participants.
Outcomes of the project
“How different, so much similar” – Flyer
“How different, so much similar” – Logo
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