A lot of people are migrating from war zones in Middle East, but also from other of the World where the fleeing from poverty. Most of this people come from different cultures and religion. Unfortunately because of this, there is a lot of tension in most European countries. Racism, xenophobia and intolerance are rising among the European people.
Why inter – religious dialogue is necessary? Why we need to engage in it? And how to do it? Europe is a multi – cultural place (we can find many nationalities, ethnicities, languages, cultures and religions there) and it is also engaging in different corporations with countries outside Europe. The usage of Interreligious dialogue can encourage unity and peace, help to improve the knowledge and skills of participants, and lead to mutual understanding. We do believe, that one thing is to read about it in literature, but totally other – try out in practice, learn from each other and then implement the outcomes of the training course in future projects under Erasmus + program and daily work.
Learning objectives of the project are:
– To develop knowledge and skills of participants in the field of IRD;
– To bring youth workers and leaders interested in interfaith dialogue together to explore the
concepts of interfaith dialogue in Europe
– To raise interfaith qualifications and competences of participants and to encourage them to
use their acquired skills for working with youth belonging to various religious backgrounds in
the future
– To raise the participants’ intercultural sensitivity through exploring various religion (their
historical development, values and spiritual interconnectedness) as well as the principles of
constructive dialogue among religions
– To bring youth organisations dealing with or interested in interfaith dialogue together in order
to develop follow-up projects for young people in this field
– To raise awareness on the importance of Inter-religious dialogue among the future youth
multipliers from EU countries and non-EU countries
– To develop participants knowledge about Erasmus + programme