Stories to share – Csesznek, Hungary – 24th to 30th of March

The project „Stories to share” deals with the topic social sensitization using the method of storytelling. With this project we wish to raise our voice against intolerance by promoting diversity, fostering dialogue and the values of freedom and Human Rights – to stand against apathy and ignorance by supporting the sense of initiative among young people We called this two-pillared (social sensitization and active youth involvement) idea: social change.

Tell a story, I tell you who you are! Storytelling is a great way to learn a lot about ourselves, to understand better the nature of “identity” and to get in touch with our surroundings. We Will focus on the topic of social exclusion and social inclusion and we will explore it with non-formal methods involving lots of creativity, simulation, debates, team work, acting, crafting and music.
If you’d like to learn about the Hungarian countryside, meet old villagers, inspiring people from abroad lots of farm animals, if you are searching for your story or you want to share it: Your place is here!

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