Summary of the project
VOLARE – Volunteering Opportunities Learning Adventure: Reaching Europe and beyond is a
mobility of youth workers under the Erasmus+ Youth program that involves 28 youth workers in
a 5 days study visit in Sardinia to discover, learn and reflect about volunteering realities, youth
strategies and policies and qualitative tools of volunteering activities management.
Participants come from organizations active in the youth sector and that believe in the value and
importance of volunteering as an instrument of growth for the communities and for the
The consortium is composed by organization based in European Union (Italy, France, Greece,
Portugal, Slovakia and Sweden), South Mediterranean (Egypt and Tunisia), Western Balkans
(Albania, Serbia) and Eastern Europe (Moldova and Ukraine).
The project aims:
- To improve the skills of youth workers by visiting and discovering about other
organizations’ models of working; - Promoting the new programs and European Strategies about volunteering (Erasmus+ ,
ESC and National programs); - Empower organizations from MEDA, Eastern Europe, Western Balkans and Program
Countries with tools for the creation of youth policies and volunteering strategies; - Facilitate the sharing of best practices about networking among organization of the same
areas; - Facilitate the sharing of innovative methods and tools of dialogue with policy makers
replicate/adaptable on different communities.