About the project:
Recently the world has been reminded about the threat of extremism. This phenomenon is on the rise in Europe. Extremist movements, ideologies, parties and individuals present some of the most pressing challenges for European democracies. They continue to gain large levels of support from different segments of the society, even among some of the most economically secure and highly educated regions of Europe. Many young people are affected by populism and anti-immigration sentiments and fall into a very dangerous rhetoric.
Taking into account those extremist movements in Europe, raising xenophobia and islamophobia, we consider it highly important to gather active young people, youth workers and activists to discuss questions of multicultural society, interreligious and intercultural dialogue as well as to think about some practical tools how to fight discrimination and combat extremism. Real response to extremism is creating general ambient in which people don’t accept extremism. That’s the duty of all of us, to create, with our own behavior and values, new frame where extremism and violence will be truly unaccepted.
During the TC we will look deeper into the issues of extremism, migration, discrimination, nationalism, intolerance and intercultural misunderstandings. The TC will support young people and active youth workers to learn about the ways of living together, accepting differences and fighting together against prejudice and xenophobia in these turbulent times
Learning objectives of the project are:
– To analyze today’s multicultural society in different countries; – To gain knowledge on key concepts, such as stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination, extremism, intolerance; – To understand the causes of extremism and where they develop; – To analyze the European values and how they can be used in contrasting those phenomena. – To promote active citizenship, international dialogue and non-formal education. – To overview the European programs and create new projects related to the topic.
– To develop participants knowledge about Erasmus + programme