You (th) inspiring others

Social exclusion features similar characteristics in many RYCO
Contracting Parties – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo,
Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia and is determined by a multi-
layer deprivation of basic human rights.
On the other side, young people who are not excluded, one can
recognize difficulties in detecting exclusion in their own
communities and to show empathy to their peers with fewer
opportunities leading to the creation of invisible borders in societies.
The project aims to make a contribution to inclusion of young
people with fewer opportunities and fostering the quality of support
structures for young people by enhancing the competences of those
working with marginalized youth. Furthermore, the project aims to
strengthen civil society by facilitating the integration and active
participation of young people through an exchange of best practices
in order to contribute to intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding
and tolerance among young people.
Online Kick off meeting
Training Course 27.08.2018 – 03.09.2018 Prishtina, Kosovo*
Local activity in Kosovo*, Serbia and Montenegro
Seminar in Serbia
Evaluation meeting in Montenegro
Online platform
This project is supported by Regional Youth Cooperation Office – RYCO and
implemented by Blink, NGO Iuventa, Center for Citizens Empowerment and

Local Activity