Youth for Youth (Vrnjačka Banja, 18th of February 2010 – 28th of February 2010)

This si the frst stag of a Multi lateral youth exchange involving  9 countries (Germany, Croatia, Macedonia, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Romania, Slovenia and Serbia).  The countries are a mix of EU programme countries, and S.E.E. Countries. This “leg” is to develop the original ideas generated by the group and to move them on to looking at what active citizenship is and what it means personally to be an active citizen.  This stage of the project with encourage the participants to look at different aspects of their own lives and see how other people are being “active citizens” within their own, and other communities.
Goals of the exchange:

  • Strengthening of the youth for active, constructive, creative and responsible action in the society
  • Sensitivity of the youth for the needs of the community and it’s members, groups and individuals involvement in volunteer work

We created this project which will made possible for youth to be active, creative and dedicated. In our opinion youth are capable to move focus from problem to creation of idea and find solution of that problem and to work on it.
The main objectives of this exchange are:

To empower and encourage participants to become active citizens through interactive work, simulations, role-plays, discussions, working groups, exchange of ideas and knowledge, and practical experience.

  • To facilitate contact of young people and encourage them to exchange experiences and ideas about their customs and everyday lives.
  • To promote and develop European citizenship
  • To identify common elements of their lives and cultures in relation to the other participants through leisure time activities and discussions.
  • To enable the group to reflect on their own and others’ characteristics, and share these in a supportive environment.
  • To offer a framework for co-operation between the participants in the realisation of future collaboration and partnerships

Also, we want to expand youth sensibility of their local communities and in this way we will have more young active citizens who will find solutions for improvement of the situation in their countries.
Every day of the exchange included one of the goals of the exchange. Every day was a continuation, an addition to the previous day, and one activity without another wouldn’t be complete. The whole exchange was based on the principle of the active learning with the elements of drama and theatre in education. Participants were, day by day, step by step, led toward the final goal, development of the consciousness about the active citizenshop. The whole exchange program was outlined in a manner that it was impossible to single out one activity which had the biggest influence on the intercultural learning and/or personal development of the individual. The schedule of the working and reflexive groups „forced“ the participants to learn one of another, to have mutual agreements, to consider positions and opinions of others and by all that to contribute to their own personal development. Almost all participants showed great enthusiasm and motivation during the exchange.
During the exchange these activities were realized: icebreaker dynamics, an association fair, working sessions on Non Formal Education, Intercultural Learning, active Citizenship, combination of Non Formal Education-Intercultural Learning, Evaluations, a presentation of the Youth in Action Programme, intercultural evening, open public spaces, final evaluations. Reflection groups were working every day in order to check together with participants the ongoing of the project. Non formal education was the methodology used. Everyday program is in the addition.

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