Storytelling for Youth Work: Transnational Project Meeting in Belgrade

In September 2021, it was finally time for the project consortium to travel to Serbia and meet the partners in person after almost a year of collaboration and virtual project meetings. On 6th of September we arrived to sunny Belgrade to prepare the transnational project meeting next day and meet the project consortium for an informal dinner that presented us the possibility to learn to know each other personally. It was a relief to be able to meet, after our initial plan to meet in April was cancelled due to the travel restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemics and the travel regulations still changed on weekly basis. 

Even when online meetings provide the possibility to develop the project, discuss the implementation of planned activities and deliver progress reports, it can not substitute a round table with a room for in depth group discussions. 

On the 7th September we held a full day work meeting, discussing and working on following subjects: 

  • Evaluating the partnership performance, collaboration and project progress
  • Current state of Intellectual Outputs
  • Evaluation of project implementation incl. risk analysis 
  • Dissemination activities
  • Planning the next goals and any necessary improvements
  • Preparing the interim report 

At the end of the day, the partners were motivated to use the opportunity and test the educational boardgame that we are developing. This proved to be a fun team building activity that also gave us many insights to make the game even more attractive and useful for youth workers and young people alike.

Project is co-founded by Erasmus + Programme of the European Union.
Project number: 2020-2-AT02-KA205-002741