Equal chance for all – a chance for better future (Vrnjačka Banja, 23rd of June 2013 – 2nd of July 2013)

The participating countries: Italy, Republic of Macedonia, Albania, France, Bulgaria, Croatia, Turkey Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain, Israel, Latvia, Greece, Netherland, Montenegro, Kosovo, Germany and Serbia.

Social exclusion is a major social problem of our time, which has replaced the “old notions of” poverty and marginalization.

Social inclusion is our right to be: useful, respected, accepted, equal.

The training tackles the topic of social inclusion and combating marginalization towards migrant and minorities which main objectives to develop how to use different models used for integration of minorities in society.

This TC will bring together young people, youth workers and leaders involved in inclusive projects, work with minority or migrants or that want to learn and understand how to include minority and migrant youth in social life.

This training course aims to train participants to ensure that social inclusion minority and migrant young people.

Its main aim is to develop the skills and knowledge of the youth workers and youth leaders and to make them more prepared to contributed social inclusion and active participation of minority and migrant youth.

The course is based on non‐formal education principles and approaches, being at the same time a mutual learning situation. The programme will foresee space for sharing and debate of realities, challenges and good practices of participants, but as well will encourage and support development of follow‐up projects.

After the training course, participants will be very motivated and will have the opportunity to use received knowledge and experience, to contribute to activity of their organizations and act as multipliers, to work with youth minority and migrant.


– To connect organizations working on different levels within the youth field, migration and minorities;

– To develop necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes of youth workers and to give them concrete tools, methodologies and skills for inclusion minority and migrant youth

– To raise awareness about the importance of minority inclusion on local, national and European level

– To promote inclusion, empowerment minority and migrant youth

– to exchange experiences and good practices in order to create a common working plan, quality criteria and communication tools between the participants

– To promote Youth in Action programme as a way to support youth minority inclusion work;

– To share how to organize an inclusive project (methods, structure, tools)

– To establish conditions and to create a common strategy for future cooperation and develop an action plan for inclusive projects


During the preparation, project and evaluation, all partners were involved in all aspects of the work. This includes development of the programme and activities prior to the training taking place, preparation for the training in their own countries based on an agreed programme that all leaders was followed, and the evaluation at all stages.
During the preparation phase partner organizations was asked to work with their participants before the training and to prepare them for the atmosphere of cultural diversity.
During the training all of partners actively participated in the implementation of planed activities.
Methods and techniques: energizers icebreakers, confrontation, individual work, collage, brainstorming, presentation, group work, pair work, discussion, role play, simulation game, case studies,
Every day of the training included one of the goals of the training. Every day was a continuation, an addition to the previous day, and one activity without another wouldn’t be complete. The whole training was based on the principle of the active learning. Participants were, day by day, step by step, led toward the final goal.
This TC particularly promotes learning-by-experience, which means that participants had the opportunity to learn through practical work and through sharing experiences. Through project activities the participants had develop their skills, abilities and knowledge and thus contribute to social and personal development.

Outcomes of the project

Daily Report

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